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Zoom Conference WP Plugin Documentation
Zoom Conference WP Plugin( FREE ) Documentation shows a basic few steps to integrate zoom plugin into WordPress. There are no complicated processes. Just the basic steps.
Check out this post for details in changes and check this post for detailed documentation.
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FREE Plugin for WordPress: Download from WordPress.org
Updated: March 13, 2020
Getting Started with Integration
Zoom conference WP exposes REST interfaces which allows the users to manage meetings, users, recordings, settings and get usage reports to WP admin dashboard.
Generating API Key and Secret
For this plugin you’ll be using JWT token method to make the API connection. Please note, this method is only account level connection.
1. First goto https://marketplace.zoom.us/develop/create
2. Click on Develop on top of the page and build app page if you directly did not go into https://marketplace.zoom.us/develop/create page
3. Click JWT and “Create”
5. Click Create
6. On the next screen you should see Information, App Credentials, Feature and Activation menus
7. Fill in your basic information about the App.
8. On the Credentials Page. Copy both API key and API Secret after you have filled all the details in information page.
Now, copy these credentials and go into WordPress Zoom Meetings settings page.
Copy and paste it here. You should get API working now.
Please see below “USING SHORTCODES TO ADD MEETING” section for more details on how to use the meeting.
Here below is the old process:
1. First step is to goto https://zoom.us/developer.
You should see the above type of screen. Now, browse into REST APIs (https://zoom.us/developer/api/credential) section through here.
2. Click on Credentials tab and copy API Key and API Secret. Now, login to WordPress and goto Video Conference with zoom settings page. Install zoom plugin if you have not installed it yet.
Copy and paste your keys where headings are same as in zoom and save settings.
If you keys are incorrect then after refresh in settings page error message defining that api keys are incorrect will show. Like below:
If no errors are displayed then you have successfully connected with zoom and are now ready to control through WordPress.
Using Shortcodes to Add Meetings:
Currently, in Zoom conference WP the only way to insert a created meeting is by using short-codes. For example:
[zoom_api_link meeting_id=""meeting_link” target="_self"]
From version 2.0 you can directly add meetings from tinymce button. For example:
Click on the above highlighted button to choose a user and add a meeting to a certain post. Clicking on the highlighted icon will give option to add meeting short-code by dynamically choosing.
After clicking on the icon a modal box like alongside shown image should appear. If you have users in zoom then all those users will be shown here. Choose any one from them to view their meeting lists. However, do note that it will take some time to appear since, it is fetching data with API when processed.
You should see another modal popup after you have selected a user. Like below screenshot.
If a selected user does not have any meetings then a error dialog is shown else the meeting links are shown.
- Link Label: Is the link label; default is Start Video.
- ID and Class is the id for the generated link.
- Link Target is either to open in new browser tab or open in same tab.
Select a meeting and click on OK.
Your meeting short-code will be added and you can view link in front.
Hope these above few points help you. If any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact me via contact section.
Introducing Action Hooks from Version 2.0.1 for Zoom conference WP
1. After update meeting hook will allow to hook your function after a meeting has been updated.
add_action( 'zvc_after_update_meeting', 'your_custom_function' ); function your_custom_function($meeting_id) { //Your Code }
This hook allows one parameter ie. meeting ID at the time of update. Hook this in your functions.php file.
2. Hook your function after a meeting has been created. Using following:
add_action( 'zvc_after_create_meeting', 'your_custom_function' ); function your_custom_function($meeting_id, $host_id) { //Your code here }
This hook allows two parameters. Your created meeting_id and host_id
3. Hook after a user has been created using following:
add_action( 'zvc_after_create_user', 'your_custom_function' ); function your_custom_function($created_user_id, $created_email) { //Your Code here }
This hook allows two parameters as well. Your created user unique ID and Zoom Host ID used for meetings.
For now these hooks only apply. Will add up more to make it more extensible in next updates.